Cranial Technologies

206 Bergen Avenue, Kearny

The Challenge

Over the past year, Team Lizzack-Horning worked with the landlord of 206 Bergen Ave, Kearny. During this period, Cranial Technologies and their broker expressed interest in leasing a 3,571 SF suite in the building. After touring the space, they found it to be an ideal fit. Team Lizzack-Horning led the negotiations resulting in a lease agreement between Cranial Technologies and the landlord. 


Before finalizing the lease, the property owner commissioned their architect to conduct a test fit study to assist Cranial Technologies in planning the space. After careful consideration, Cranial Technologies determined that a full interior renovation was required to meet their specific needs. This collaboration between the landlord, tenant, and architect ensured the facility would be customized to Cranial Technologies’ exact specifications. 


The lease was signed after a few months of negotiations. Thanks to the efficiency of Team Lizzack-Horning, Cranial Technologies was able to begin construction immediately and open their first New Jersey office. This expedited process underscores Team Lizzack-Horning’s commitment to providing seamless solutions, ensuring a smooth transition for the new tenant and a satisfied Landlord. 

The key takeaway from this transaction was the cooperation of all the parties involved.  When you have motivation from the parties to work towards a common goal, it makes the job go smoothly.  Team Lizzack/Horning quarterbacked the entire process from the time the property was initially toured through the negotiations process, and handed the project off to the contractor once the lease was fully executed between the parties. 

Project Team